eCommerce growth
The number of eCommerce users in Latin America and the Caribbean is expected to reach 387.67 million by 2027*. * Source: Statista, 2023
Growing digitization
Mobile internet penetration in Latin America is forecast to reach 67% of the population, leading to a digital payments revolution in the region*. * Source: Statista, 2023
Alternative payment methods
Whether due to a large unbanked population or even cultural reasons, alternative payment methods reign in Latin America.
Installments preference
With some differences in each country, installment payments are highly preferred by Latin American customers.

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Reach millions of new customers by offering local payment methods.
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Country List
Argentina responds very well to payment innovation, with a penetration rate of 95% for fintech and banking*.
* Source: AMI, 2022
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Buy Now, Pay later
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Bolivia's eCommerce market is small but aiming to grow along with over 7.5 million internet users. With a population of 11.59 million, 51% hold a bank account with a financial institution, but only 7,2% of them have a credit card, and yet 9% have made online purchases.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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QR Payment
Digitally advanced and with a wide range of online consumers, Brazil is the birthplace of successful real-time payments in Latin America.
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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In recent years Chile has shown impressive economic growth, directly impacting the business opportunities in the country.
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Colombia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is expected to steadily grow 1.8% in 2024, proving that Colombia can represent excellent opportunities for eCommerce in Latin America*.
*Source: OECD, 2023
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Costa Rica
Costa Rica With a population of 5 million and over 1 million eShoppers, Costa Rica has an eCommerce market of $2.3B. Cross border transactions account for 77% of the eCommerce volume. Although eCommerce is projected to shrink 22% in 2020 due to the current pandemic, it is expected to recover in 2021 with a 39% YoY growth.
DLOCAL COSTA RICA, SRL posee todos los permisos de funcionamiento requeridos para operar dentro del territorio costarricense. Dado a lo anterior, y en seguimiento al artículo 24 de la Normativa SGF-11-18 de Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (en adelante, la “SUGEF”) se indica: Advertencia: se advierte al público que DLOCAL COSTA RICA es supervisada solamente en materia de prevención de legitimación de capitales, financiamiento al terrorismo y financiamiento de la proliferación de armas de destrucción masiva, y además se encuentra sujeta a disposiciones vinculantes de la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera del Instituto Costarricense sobre Drogas. Por lo tanto, la SUGEF no supervisa en materia financiera a DLOCAL COSTA RICA, ni los negocios que ofrece, ni su seguridad, estabilidad o solvencia.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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eCommerce in Ecuador is still relatively small. Similar to other markets in LATAM, the main reason for consumers not buying online is the lack of trust. However, new technology and information available are shifting people’s behavior, feeling more confident with putting their payment information online, and taking the market to the expected $1.2B in 2020. One particularity that makes this market different is that the main currency is US dollars.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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El Salvador
As the smallest country in continental America, El Salvador’s eCommerce revenue is US$ 500 million with a projected annual growth rate of 11.41%. With only 30% of the population having access to banking services, cash-based solutions and online payment methods dominate the market as almost half of the country’s population are internet users, standing at 45%, and the internet penetration rate is high at 59% for the country of 6 million people.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Guatemala boasts a relatively high internet penetration rate of 65%. While cash is the primary method of payment in the market, the country of 16 million people has an eCommerce market value of US$ 240 million that is bolstered by mostly offline cards, despite only 12% of the population using them.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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As one of the fastest-growing economies in Central America, Honduras’s eCommerce revenue is projected to reach US$ 400 million with an impressive annual growth rate of 12.5%. With 50% of the population having access to banking services, cash-based solutions and online payment methods play a vital role in the market. The country has a significant number of internet users, with 55% of its 10 million residents online and an internet penetration rate of 60%.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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With a vibrant economic landscape and an ever-evolving digital sphere, Mexico has become the second most important economy in Latin America.
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Nicaragua has a population of 6 million. In 2021, the revenue of eCommerce in Nicaragua amounted to $3B. Only 31% of the population holds an account in a financial institution, and Internet penetration is at 43%.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Panama has a population of 4.2 million. Ecommerce market was $2.4B in 2019, projected to grow 20% in 2020. Only 50% of the population holds an account in a financial institution, 30% have a debit card and only 10% a Credit Card.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Paraguay is a small and open economy with nearly 7 million people and a GDP of $41 billion. Over the past decade, the Paraguayan economy grew on average 5% annually. The country’s $1.3 billion eCommerce market is growing, as well the country’s internet penetration.
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Omnichannel (cash, mobile, bank)
QR Payment
Although Peru is one of the smallest eCommerce markets in Latin America and still, a very much cash economy, Peru’s $3.3 billion eCommerce market is growing rapidly. It is forecasted to grow 40% year-over-year through 2019. In 2016, 91% of online sales took place on a desktop and 85% were to local Peruvian merchants.
Credit and debit cards
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Cash-based payments
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Bank Transfers
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Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic has a population of 10.7 million. In 2019, the revenue of eCommerce in the Dominican Republic amounted to $1.8B. 40% of the population is unbanked, and Internet penetration is at 76.8%. Around 20% has a Credit Card and 30% has a Debit Card.
Credit and debit cards
Bank Transfers
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In LATAM, Uruguay is referred to as a ‘país boutique’ or a boutique country. With a small population of 3.4 million and exemplary eCommerce development metrics for Latin America, Uruguay’s eCommerce market is growing at a rapid 31%. Uruguayans are highly computer and mobile literate, and the country’s Internet and smartphone penetration, at 88% and 65% respectively, have positioned Uruguay well ahead of most of its neighbors.
Credit and debit cards
Cash-based payments
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Most commonly used options.
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Cash-based payments -
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Cash-based payments